Wednesday, October 31, 2012

10/31/12 Daily Food Journal

Happy Halloween though I'm looking more forward to el Dia de los Muertos! I'm creating a shrine of picture of friends and family that have passed on along with candles and chocolate.

Another wonderful Reiki exchange night last night. I'm really enjoying the Reiki nights -- thank you, more please! It feels really good to connect and share in this way.

Be safe out there tonight folks! Sending continuing prayers out to those affected by Hurricane Sandy and the young man that was bitten by a shark here while surfing yesterday...


Milk Thistle
Women's Blend Tea (see earlier posts for herbs)

12oz Green juice

Breakfast: leftover Wild Rice & Mushroom Pilaf; Bhindi Masala Green Beans & Asparagus

Lunch: Vanilla Soy Yogurt &  Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Dinner: Inari - brown rice and almond butter wrapped in roasted tofu; buffalo wings; gluten-free ginger snap cookie

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