Organic Berry Superfood Smoothie

1/4 small organic Watermelon (cut into chunks)
2 large handfuls organic frozen Berries*
1 frozen organic Banana (peeled and cut into chunks)
1/2 cup organic Kale (baby kale works best, otherwise cut stalk from leaf and chop)*
2 tsp. ground Flax Seed*
1 tsp Chia Seeds*

In blender puree the watermelon for your liquid. Next add in the berries, banana and blend. Add kale, flax seed and chia seeds and blend to desired consistency. If you find your smoothie is too thick for your liking, add in some almond/soy milk, or water until you reach the texture you like. Enjoy!

Tips: If you are using a regular blender I found lightly steaming the kale makes it break down easier. A VitaMix blender will blend the seeds and kale with ease.

*superfood :)

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