Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle
Pau D'Arco Tea
Marshmallow Root Tea (cold infused)
Nettles Tea

10oz Green Juice- Chard, Romaine, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Ginger

Breakfast: Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast, Lemon Soy Yogurt

Lunch: Amy's Lentil Soup & Chicken Apple Sausage Links

Dinner: Kale, Avocado Wrap with Miso-dipped Tempeh (see Recipes- on how to make)- kale, red onion, avocado, tempeh, miso, spices. ACV, brown rice tortilla

Remember I am not a food photographer and these pics are taken with my cell phone camera... ;)

Kale Avocado Wrap w/Miso-Dipped Tempeh


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