Thursday, October 18, 2012

10/18/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle
Pau D'Arco Tea
Nettle and Marshmallow Root Tea with Vanilla Almond Milk
Slippery Elm Bark Tea

16 oz. Juice- Dandelion, Red leaf lettuce, Cucumber, Celery, Radish, Carrot, Apple, Ginger, Lemon

Breakfast: Potatoes with broccoli, zucchini and guacamole with side of Turkey Bacon

Lunch: leftover Southwestern Chicken stew- red and black beans, tomato and sauce, chicken, onion, red bell pepper, tortilla chips, grated cheese
Digest Basic Enzyme

Snack: Junior Mints and snack size Snickers with Almonds

Dinner:  leftover Southwestern Chicken stew- red and black beans, tomato and sauce, chicken, onion, red bell pepper, tortilla chips, grated cheese

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