Green Juice

Here is a basic recipe for Green Juice. There are many variations out there. I often rotate in Dandelion and Beet Greens with mine. I usually drink 1/2 in the morning and the 2nd half in the afternoon. Enjoy!

Green Juice (makes approximately 24 oz.):

4-5 Leaves Romaine Lettuce (or Chard, Kale) - opt. rotate Dandelion or Beet Greens
3 Stalks Celery
1 med Cucumber (or 1/2 of English Cucumber)
1 large or 2 med Green Apples
1 inch Ginger Root
1/2 of Lemon (squeeze in after)

(for an extra kick add 2 red radishes! I've read its great for the Gallbladder)

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