Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/4/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle

Breakfast: Vanilla Soy Yogurt; Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon and Raisin Toast w/Mango Butter

12oz Juice: Romaine, Chard, Celery, Cucumber, Beet, Green Apple, Ginger, Lemon

Lunch: Carrot, Ginger, Beet Soup (see recipe - in Recipe section on my homepage)

6oz Juice
Snack: Italian herb Potato Chips
Dinner: Raw Zucchini, Carrot and Cashew Salad Rolls (I found this recipe on: salad - zucchini, carrot, cucumber, red pepper, cilantro, mint; cashew sour cream- cashews, sea salt, lemon, water; guacamole- avocado, red onion, lime, hot sauce, sea salt
1/4tsp. Vit.C, Cal/Mag

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