Friday, October 26, 2012

10/26/12 Daily Food Journal gums are bleeding....need to floss more? Liver?
Went to bed at 8pm last night and woke-up at 5:30am, started yardwork when the sun came up and before the rain poured down.
Ran out of Pau D'Arco tea bags and it is about time to take a week off anyway.

Milk Thistle
Nettles Tea with Vanilla Almond Milk (unsweetened)

16oz. Green Juice - Romaine, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Ginger, Lime

Breakfast: Chicken Apple Sausage links

Lunch: Creamy Broccoli Soup (vegan) - see yesterday's post for ingredients

Snack: Blueberry LaraBar

12 oz . Green Juice

Snack: 2 Buffalo Wings and some potato wedges (yep, my weakness while shopping when hungry); Blueberry B juice, Honey Dijon Kettle Chips

Dinner: French Onion Soup with Gluten-free English Muffin & slice of Gruyere cheese


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