Kale Avocado Wrap with Miso-Dipped Tempeh (gluten-free, dairy-free)

This was a recipe adapted from Kathy @ lunchbox. com "Kale Avocado Wraps w/Spicy Miso-Dipped Tempeh" posted 7/2/12.

There are several recipes here to make. All are very quick and easy.

Miso Dressing
Miso-Dipped Tempeh
Steamed Kale Salad
The Wrap

Miso Dressing

3 Tbsp Yellow Miso (or white)
3 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
2 Tbsp Agave Nectar
a few dashes of yellow curry powder
1-2 Tbsp of your favorite healthy oil (or water)
(opt) 1 Tbsp Gluten-free Hoisin Sauce
(opt) 1 tsp Tahini

Add ingredients together and briskly stir until smooth. This is to be used on salad and tempeh. *Remember Miso paste is quite salty

Miso-Dipped Tempeh
1 pkg Tempeh, sliced into 8 logs
small amount of oil for saute pan
Yellow Curry Powder for added flavor
(opt) Black Pepper
Miso Dressing (above recipe)

Heat oil in pan. Dip half of the tempeh log into miso dressing (easiest if dressing is in tumbler size glass) and miso paste to thicken if you prefer. Once dipped, place tempeh on hot pan then sprinkle each log with additional curry powder. Cook until carmalized and brown, a minute or so on each side.Do not blacken as this will change the intended flavor to - burnt. Remove from pan to cool before placing in wrap or salad (if you choose to omit tortilla).

Steamed Kale Salad
1 bunch Kale
2-3 Tbsp Miso Dressing (above recipe)
1/2 cup Red Onion, thinly sliced

added filling:
Avocado, thinly sliced
(opt) Tomato, sliced

Remove kale from stem and chop into small pieces. Wash kale in warm water then transfer to cold water. Strain. In a saute pan fill with 1/4 cup water. Place in red onion and kale and allow to simmer. Turn as it cooks to help it steam evenly in pan. Add 2-3 Tbsp of the miso dressing and stir.  Remove from heat when kale is wilted and onion appears transluscent.

The Wrap
1/2 cup Kale Salad
2-3 slices Avocado
(opt) 1-3 slices Tomato
1-3 Tempeh logs
1 Brown Rice Tortilla (lightly browned in coconut oil or oil of choice)

Wrap ingredients in tortilla, drizzling any remaining miso dressing (to preference) on it and before rolling it up.


Here is a picture of my first attempt at this recipe. It was delicious, though the picture may not convey that to the fullest ;)

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