Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10/3/12 Daily Food Journal

How do folks deal with their pressures in life? I sometimes wish I had a personal coach that would drop in at just the right time, give me a hug and remind me to breathe, to do a round of EFT, to take a hot bath, or even better - give me a massage, or go for a walk with me somewhere calming. I find when confronted with the challenges I must work through, I have the darnedest time, even with all of my "tools". At the most difficult of times I become overwhelmed, exhausted and at what I feel is the most expanded state of my ability to cope. So why does it always feel so rewarding having passed through it - when it was so arduous along the way? Is it just the absence of struggle that we relish in, and if so, why do we need to struggle in order to feel something better in its absence? I could do without the tension and headaches! How about the presence of ease and flow? Simple. Thank you, more please...


Rosemary and Larch Flower Essences
Milk Thistle

Breakfast: Tofu Scramble with Zucchini and spices

Rooibos Chai with Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk


Snack: Homemade Applesauce; cashews; tortilla chips with salsa

Dinner: Bok Choy with Portobello Mushroom; Baked Yam slices
Check out how to make this simple vegetarian, gluten-free meal (or side dish) under Recipes on my home page!

1/4 tsp.Vit. C, Cal/Mag

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