Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16/12 Daily Food Journal

Ahhhh..just home from a wonderfully relaxing Reiki exchange session. I love it when energy work can take you to those nurturing places that you so much need and deserve but life isn't providing them right now in the manifest physical reality. I felt like strong seeds were planted tonight just through the visions and emotions that came through. I am open to receive all the blessings in the universe for me...warm loving community with kindred spirits, warm fires and potlucks with yummy nourishing foods, exchange of deep and meaningful conversation that uplift and inspire. Yurts and hottubs, beaches and forests. Spirit. Music. Welcoming. Comforting. Connecting. Loving. Kindness. Warm Heartfelt Hugs. <3


Milk Thistle
Pau D'Arco Tea

Breakfast: Lemon Soy Yogurt

Early Lunch: Chicken Caeser Salad- romaine, chicken, parmesan, dressing

Snack: Udi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Dinner: Steamed Broccoli, Zucchini (from garden), Yellow Crookneck Squash with Gluten-free Hoison Sauce & fried sprouted Tofu with Wheat-free Tamari



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