Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/18/12 Daily Food Journal

Astrologically speaking, today marks the 2nd (out of 7) squares of Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn occuring over the next several years. Very emotional week, especially if you have planets or house cusps at 6-8 degrees. Prepare for revolutionary transformation; cathartic breakthroughs; change in structure for the independance of self; liberating power. May it be amazing, clear... with ease and grace! Be kind and nurture yourself instead of partaking in the wackiness. Could also mark a significant time of endings and departures.

I enjoyed a wonderful evening of Reiki sharing between practitioners. "Flexibility" when making decisions came up. Greeted by an incredible golden crescent moon at closing. Lovely way to wrap up the day.... Thank you.


Flower Essence Blend
Milk Thistle

Breakfast : Gluten-free English Muffin with vegan Pesto


Rooibos Chai

Lunch : Amy's Lentil Soup with Gluten-free crackers

12oz Juice - Dandelion, Radish Greens, Carrot, Cucumber, Celery, Green Apple, Ginger

Dinner : Black Beans, Zucchini, Green Chile (spices- sea salt, cumin, oregano) with Guacamole and Blue Corn Chips (non-GMO Organic!)
Digest Basic


Observation #1: More Water!

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