Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/12/12 ART

Last night while giving Reiki at our local community clinic I met someone new. She is also a Reiki Master Practitioner as well as Shamanic Practitioner. She said she would be interested in joining our group of Reiki Practitioners in the future. We are thrilled! At the end of the evening she gave me her card and on it lists her website. I looked it up and found she is an artist and facillitates Art Therapy as well as Intuitive/Energy/Shamanic Healing Sessions. This brought me back to my own relationship to art that I want to say something about here.

Art is extremely personal and healing. It can be both relaxing and cathartic. For me it is a place I can turn off that analytical side that seems to get too much "air time" these days. I get into the flow and am off exploring. So I am thankful to have had this reflection to reveal the lop-sidedness of my nurturance lately.

It is such a balance to keep and one that we can forget the importance of until we find ourselves out of balance. We can think of it this way... there are parts that make up a whole and when we focus on lets say just two parts of the whole and not all five then we create imbalance. Even when we fear that not focusing so hard on those two parts (say those are employment and house work) are going to create imbalance (not enough money, messy house, etc) when in reality those other three parts (say  creating art, spending time with friends/family, being in nature/exercising) actually help keep ones WHOLE balance and are just as valuable as the other parts. So I say cheers to WHOLE BALANCE! Body-mind-spirit baby! We weren't born to just pay the bills and clean the house (or whatever your "should" parts are). Happiness is wholeness, so I encourage you to nurture it (I encourage ME too!)

To keep that reminder going I am going to post some pics of mosaic and silk art I have created in the past just to help get those creative juices flowing again...

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