Sunday, September 16, 2012

9/14/12 Daily Food Journal

Earth is a movin and a shakin in my neck of the woods. 5 earthquakes in 6 hours, between 2.5 - 4.4 mag today! I could FEEL it mentally (I seem to have picked up this gift for sensing them a handful of years ago). Still working on translating what it is as they are coming - outside of just feeling WEIRD and as though I'm breaking up or "quaking" in some way.

People are driving all kinds of wacky today too! Be careful out their folks! Sending love to the planet and our people.....

An old friend came into town for the weekend and we started with dinner out...

Flower Essence Blend
Milk Thistle

Breakfast : Sauteed potatoes, Turkey Bacon, Veggies- broccoli, carrot, zucchini, red pepper topped with vegan Pesto and Larrupin (sweet mustard dill sauce)

Rooibos Chai

Lunch : small bowl of leftover veggies with Larrupin


Snack : Gluten-free English Muffin with vegan Pesto
Chicken/Turkey Sausage with Pesto
Digest Basic Enzyme

Dinner : Out to Eat! Brick & Fire - Caprese Salad (Gold & Red Tomato, Fresh Mozarrella, Basil, Red Onion, Baby Greens, Light Olive Oil Balsamic Vinaigrette); Pan-seared Scallops wrapped in Prosciutto (3) with Black Wild Rice; Red Pepper & Cinnamon Creme Broulee (interesting...sort of pumpkin flavor); Water and Red Wine
Digest Basic Enzyme

Out Later: Tequila drink with ginger and raspberry


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