Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/5/12 Daily Food Journal

Car back in the shop today, hopefully won't need to take it back for awhile. (I've been to the mechanic 4x in the past several weeks). While there I learned of the huge 7.6 mag earthquake in Costa Rica that hit this morning. I have friends and family over there. It sounded really scary but for the most part everyone physically OK. Blessings out to those folks and animals that are still feeling all shook up.

I am so thankful that I gave myself the permission to nurture my body last night. It really helped the day move more smoothly. I also was reminded how I was rear-ended last October, almost a year ago now, and I still have so much tension and soreness held in my body from it. Trauma doesn't heal overnight! I hope to give my body more of this nurturing so I can deeply heal this - its amazing the ripple effect an accident can have on your life. Especially being impacted negatively emotionally too, I still get freaked out when people pull up behind me at stop lights and use turn lanes - I don't trust that they will stop and not hit me. I tense up and become stressed, on and on. I never used to have these thoughts. Gotta gain that trust back, it's no fun! Wish me luck :)

I decided to give my body a break for a couple of days from tea and supplements. I think its good to check in with where things are at and also to not create dependence on anything. Get nutrients through food first!

Onto the food intake...


Flower Essence Blend

Breakfast : 12oz Green Juice - Kale, Chard, Romaine, Cucumber, Celery, Carrot, Beet, Green Apple, Pear, Ginger, Lemon
Gluten-free English Muffin with Organic Vegan Pesto


Lunch : Organic Raspberry Truffle  Raw Revolution Bar - cashews, sunflower seed kernels, dates, agave nectar, cocoa powder, raspberry, sprouted flax seed

Gluten Free Crackers and Cultured Veggies

12 oz. Green Juice

Dinner: Steamed Vegetables over wide Rice Noodles, veggies : broccoli, bok choy, yellow sunburst squash, shiitake mushroom, thai green curry sauce
Digest Basic Digestive Enzyme

Observation #1 - not enough fluids/water today

Observation #2 - not enough time spent outside, in fresh air, intentional grounding and appreciation

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