Friday, September 7, 2012

9/7/12 Daily Food Journal

It is so nice to get a full nights sleep and feel good waking up! I started my day with my breathing exercises (I do these daily, btw) and some juice. I love it when I'm not rushed to be anywhere and I can take some time to consciously start my opposed to rolling out of bed and getting on the computer or multitasking to bolt off to a morning board meeting. So I say, "Thank you" for today!

I am a voracious reader of health information and I like nothing more than to read or hear awesome stories from folks. This morning I read a post on Blender Girl's website from a woman that juiced during radiation treatments for breast cancer and ended up feeling great - no low energy - she even lost a healthy amount of weight. It was a combination of juicing, Primal/Paleo diet (LOTS of veggies), and exercise. She has a clean bill of health now.

Cheers to vibrant health! May we all experience it!

Okay...just got a call from my friend whose husband had a kidney stone pass - ouch! I've heard that Chanca Piedra the "stone breaker" can be helpful for this (gallstones too). Anybody with experience care to comment? He also had a mild flare-up of diverticulitis (infection and inflammation of intestinal wall). Turns out when I called my mom to ask her what she does for this, she is having a major flare-up! Stress - be gone! Fiber be eaten. From what I understand the infection usually requires antibiotics, then a clear liquids diet. As a preventative it is all about the fiber - lots of veggies and fruit. Stay away from the nuts and sugar! Cleansing anyone??

Flower Essence Blend
Milk Thistle

12oz Juice- Kale, Chard, Romaine, Cucumber, Celery, Carrot, Beet, Apple, Ginger, Lemon

Breakfast : Gluten-free English Muffin w/ vegan Pesto and Cucumber slices

Snack : Berry Smoothie - blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, almond milk, filtered water, 1/2 avocado, 1/4 tsp spirulina, 1/4 tsp ground flax seed, 1/8 tsp turmeric

12oz Juice- Kale, Chard, Romaine, Cucumber, Celery, Carrot, Beet, Apple, Ginger, Lemon

Late lunch: Refried Beans, Rice, Chicken Taco with lettuce- tomato-little cheese, Potato Taco added cultured veggies- on corn tortillas
Basic Digest Digestive Enzyme

Late Dinner : Thai Kitchen Rice Noodles with veggies soup - added Zucchini

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