Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/4/12 Daily Food Journal

Oh boy...this is a rough one today. I am feeling so out of it and on the verge of 'SNAP'. I have been trying to figure out how to create an email with graphics for one of the organizations I work for and my brain is struggling...MUST WALK AWAY FROM COMPUTER! This morning I returned home from a 4 day stay in the coastal mountain, it was lovely in the sunshine. Now I'm back at the house and that welcoming scent of mildew mold is here. Blech! Moving into a new house has not been financially an option so I've stayed here with a dehumidifier and air purifier. My intention out into the universe is - to find a clean, healthy home with lots of natural light, big windows, a nice private yard with room for a garden in a nice, mellow neighborhood. I am open to receive all that is good for me!

So upon observing my moods these past few days I'm wondering what could be triggering my flip-of-the-switch angry moods. Not so pleasant both on the giving and receiving end. Is it adding Mag? My sleep hasn't been that great, uncomfortable bed, lots of vivid dreams. Good nights sleep is needed...I may try a break from the Mag also to see if my sleep improves.

I was reminded tonight by my massage therapist of the Blue Moon we just had and its impact on other folks - vivid dreams, sleeplessness. I love it when the collective validates my moods...I'm not alone! I'm also aware that we have some pretty intense astrological shifts taking place. Mars moving through Scorpio, Moon's nodes also in Scorpio and Saturn is transitioning into Scorpio. (If you are new to Astrology there are many worthwhile sites on-line that go more in depth on the subject, I will be brief here). These planets will affect us all in one form or another as they form aspects to our personal planets in our natal astrological chart (Yes, there is more, much more, to Astrology than just your sun sign and daily horoscope in the paper...). Scorpio represents our sense of power, transformation, crisis, abuse, healing, sex, death, rebirth. It is penetrating, probing, investigative by nature, sometimes suspicious and paranoid. You may know a Scorpio or two who likes to provoke or shock others with their discourse on taboo subjects.
Just remember as we go to the depths of our issues that it is the "sh*t" in life that, when composted, turns into beautiful fertile soil (metaphorically speaking). So chin up, do not be afraid to probe the depths just don't get too swept up in revenge, resentment, power struggles, control...obsess if you must but also remember to let go as chronic obsession and power-tripping could really prevent the magical transformation that awaits. Like a caterpiller to a butterfly. Emerge, transform, stand in your true power - Empower!


Flower Essence Blend

Breakfast : Green Apple
Gluten free English Muffin with Almond Butter

Snack : Gluten Free crackers with cultured veggies

Emotional Sensitivity is abound, can anyone else feel it??

Lunch : Sushi - nori, brown rice, wild salmon, avocado, mayo and sriracha sauce (felt some twinges in the gallbladder with this one - fat? egg in mayo?)


Dinner: "Amy's" Lentil Vegetable Soup (from a can) with gluten free crackers

Ok folks...low blood sugar, funky a last minute revival I scheduled a massage and followed it up with a nice relaxing bath in Epsom Salts, soft music and candle light. It was lovely and just what I needed to feel my center again, a little nurturing can go along way.

Observation #1: Felt dehydrated, not enough water/fluids

Observation #2 : Nurturing oneself feels good :)

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