Friday, November 16, 2012

11/16/12 Checking In

Taking a break from writing folks...lots of activity under this potent new moon in scorpio! Especially with the eclipse.... How has it been for you???

Be back soon...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

11/11/12 Daily Food Journal

Here comes the snow!!

Milk Thistle
Pau D'Arco Tea
Marshmallow Root Tea cold infused

Juice- Cucumber, Celery, Radish, Romaine, Carrot, Lemon

Breakfast: Tofu Scramble with Zucchini and Turkey Bacon

Snack: Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Dinner: Thai Coconut Curry with Shrimp & Veggies over rice noodles


11/10/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle
Pau D'Arco Tea with vanilla Almond Milk
Marshmallow Root Tea cold infused

Juice- Celery, Cucumber, Carrot, Apple, Romaine, Lemon

Breakfast: Lemon Soy Yogurt & Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Lunch: Turkey sandwich on Gluten-free Bread

Snack: Tortilla chips & guacamole

Dinner: Polenta with veggies and chicken in vegan pesto sauce - zucchini, mushrooms, broccoli, red bell pepper


11/9/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle
Pau D'Arco Tea with Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
Marshmallow Root Tea cold infused

Juice- Cucumber, Celery, Romaine, Carrot, Apple, Lemon

Breakfast: Banana; Peach Soy Yogurt; Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich on Gluten-free bread - turkey, lettuce, cheese, avocado, dill pickle, mayo and Larrupin sauce

Dinner: Shepards Pie - Chicken, zucchini, broccoli,mushrooms, onions, garlic, green beans, black beans, veggie stock


Thursday, November 8, 2012

11/8/12 Daily Food Journal

Pau D'Arco Tea with unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
Marshmallow Root Tea cold infused

Green Juice- Celery, Cucumber, Gold Beet, Apple, Ginger

Breakfast: Vanilla Soy Yogurt and Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich on Rudi's Gluten-free Bread - turkey, lettuce, pickle, avocado, cheese, mayo, larrupin

Dinner: Salmon Burger; Green Beans with Onion, Garlic, Cilantro; Mashed Potatos and Gluten-free Shiitake Mushroom Gravy with baby portobella mushrooms


11/7/12 Daily Food Journal

Rooibos Red Tea with unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

Green Juice-  Cucumber, Celery, Gold Beet, Apple, Ginger

Breakfast: Lemon Soy Yogurt, Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Lunch: leftover chicken, polenta, yam

Dinner: Lentil Soup with Gluten-free Crackers

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

11/6/12 Daily Food Journal

I truly hope everyone in the US remembered to vote today, that hadn't already. We have a wonderful opportunity to express our opinions and voice with our right to vote! Don't waste that right folks- its important.


Rooibos Tea with unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
Women's Blend Tea
Milk Thistle

Breakfast: leftover pizza, YUM!

Lunch: leftover Beans & Asparagus

Dinner: Baked Chicken with herbs, yam slices and polenta slice


11/5/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle

Breakfast: Blueberry LaraBar; later- Lemon Soy Yogurt, Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

Lunch: Green Beans and Asparagus with Bhindi Masala spice blend from Arora Creations

Dinner: Live From NY Pizza - The Godfather - on a gluten-free crust - pesto, ricotta, mozzarella, tomato, sundried tomato (I think the tomato made my chest red as was pointed out to me, but so gratifying to eat pizza from a pizza place because they offer gluten-free crusts!); house salad with Caeser dressing
Digest Basic Enzyme


Monday, November 5, 2012

11/4/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle
Women's Blend Tea

Breakfast: Tofu Scramble with leftover Cauliflower, Red potatoes, Mushrooms and Zucchini, Avocado

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich on Rudi's Gluten-free Bread - turkey, lettuce, cheese, avocado, pickle slice, mayo, and Larrupin sauce

Where to find Larrupin Sauce:

Dinner: Chicken Tacos - chicken, onion, mushrooms, lettuce, avocado, olives, corn tortillas, taco seasoning
Snack: Junior Mints

Sunday, November 4, 2012

11/3/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle

Breakfast: Turkey sandwich on Rudi's Gluten-free bread - turkey, lettuce, cheese, guacamole, mayo, Larrupin  (sweet mustard sauce), side pickle wedge

Snack: Tortilla chips & Artichoke, jalapeno dip, guacamole


Dinner: Grilled Chicken with Island Teriyaki marinade (gluten-free) & Gobi Aloo spiced veggies - cauliflower, red potatoes, mushrooms, zucchini


Spice Blend used:

We added extra veggies from what the recipe called for so it diluted the flavor, still tasty. We had to add some of our own spices at end.

Snack: Dark Chocolate with Raspberry


11/2/12 Daily Food Journal

Milk Thistle
Women's Blend Tea

16oz. Juice- Beet greens, Cucumber, Celery, Carrot, Beet, Apple, Ginger

Late Breakfast/Lunch: Turkey Sandwich on Rudi's Gluten-free bread - guacamole, lettuce, cheese, turkey, mayo, Larrupin (sweet mustard sauce)

Snack: Junior Mints

Dinner: Chicken Tikka Masala - subbed coconut milk for tomato sauce & added veggies - Green beans & Asparagus, served over Quinoa (another delicious blend of organic spices used by Arora Creations)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

11/1/12 Daily Food Journal

El Dia de los Muertos honor and celebration of those I have loved deeply and have passed on...and to those whose photos are not here...I love you!


Women's Blend Tea

Breakfast:Vanilla Soy Yogurt; Rudi's Gluten-free Cinnamon Raisin Toast

16oz. Green Juice - Beet Greens, Celery, Cucumber, Gold Beet, Apple, Ginger, Lemon

Snack: Gluten-free Ginger Snap cookie; potato wedges

Dinner: Salad and organic chicken meatballs
