Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm back! Miso on the menu.

Oh how I have missed posting and exploring new recipes! Life has continued to be on fast forward since the holidays and I am now making a conscious effort to reincorporate those things I love into my schedule.

I just returned from my great Uncle's 100th birthday celebration. It was a wonderful time of seeing family and getting to hear stories from his life. He is still sharp! An added bonus to the trip was realizing I had jumped up a couple of pant sizes while trying on clothes - oops!

My intention is to post a new recipe I've tried at least 1x/week. I get so inspired by all the blogs out there these days bursting with healthy, yummy recipes and this blog has helped me to keep my explorative juices flowing. I can see a direct result of not blogging and watching what I eat by the pounds I've put on. Now that it is Spring its time to change that!

Last night I saw some photos a friend posted from her recent trip to Japan. So many pictures of food. All with a large spread of small dishes of salads and toppings, lots of fish. I'm a big Sushi fan, love seaweed salad, teriyaki noodles, etc. After viewing the photos I wondered to myself which nation is rated the healthiest so I did a Google search and sure enough - Japan was listed as #1. So building from that inspiration....on the Menu tonight is Miso soup.

I have 2 recipes I'm looking at, one very basic and the other deemed "Superfood". #2 seems a bit heartier and could serve as the main course.

The ingredients called for are...

Recipe 1:

Shiitake Mushrooms
Miso Paste

Recipe 2:

Bell Pepper
Veggie Broth
Black Pepper
Olive Oil

I will report back on the recipe I chose!

Miso fixins!

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