Monday, May 13, 2013

Hungry For Change - highly recommend this DVD

This video is brought to you by the same people that brought you Food Matters. They are bringing together stories from leading nutritional experts and folks that have made significant changes to their health, eating habits, and lifestyles. Transformation baby!

When I watched it many of the faces were familiar to me...Kris Carr, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Joe Cross, Dr. Mercola, David Wolfe. Even for me who a lot of the messages they were sharing I had heard before, it was a welcomed reminder and even better to have them all in one place! It's my new "go to" when I need to get back on track or motivation to stay on track. We all need some assistance from time to time!

If you need a boost to change your unhealthy habits - especially in the food department CHECK THIS OUT! James & Laurentine (film producers/directors) did an excellent job putting this together!
Hungry For Change DVD 
They are offering a free viewing of the first 20min of the movie on their website, CLICK HERE to view it! Enjoy!

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