Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kona Crab

Kona Crab! Who knew? I had only seen the small palm sized black crab on the Hawaiian islands until recently. It has been recommended to lightly sautee the meat in a pan with butter, a splash of white wine, and a drizzle of lemon juice. Yummmm - Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Madras Sambar with Broccoli and Kale served with Savory Coconut Rice

Recipe Serves: 2-3


Madras Lentils:
1 can Madras Sambar - Toor Dal with Vegetables - by Jyoti Natural Foods
1 cup Broccoli, chopped
5 big leaves fresh Kale, chopped
1 Tbsp Olive oil

Coconut Rice:
1 cup White Short Basmati Rice
1 cup Coconut Cream (not coconut milk)
1 cup Vegetable Broth
1/2 bunch of Cilantro, chopped
1/3 c Almonds, roasted & chopped
1/4 Lime, zest
Salt to taste


Madras Lentils - heat olive oil on medium, add broccoli and kale, saute until broccoli softens 10+min, stir occasionally, just before broccoli is done add in Madras Sambar, stir until heated approx 3min.

Coconut Rice - place coconut cream, vegetable broth, and lime zest in pan on high, briefly bring to boil, add rice and reduce heat to low. Simmer until rice cooked, approx 20min., stirring frequently, then cover 1/2 way through. When rice is done remove from heat and stir in cilantro and almonds. Add salt to taste. Serve with lentils and veggies - enjoy!

Savory Coconut Rice and Madras Sambar with Broccoli & Kale

Grilled BBQ Chicken, Zucchini Spaghetti with Avocado Pesto, Mixed Greens Salad with Feta

Recipe Serves: 3 -4


BBQ Chicken:
6 chicken thighs, boneless, skinless
Your favorite BBQ sauce

Zucchini Spaghetti w/ Avocado Pesto:
2 Med Zucchini, julienne sliced like spaghetti
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup Kalamata olives, chopped
Dash of salt & pepper

1 c loosely packed basil leaves
1/2 avocado
2 cloves garlic
3 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 c water
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt (to taste)

Mixed Greens Salad:
3-4 cups mixed baby greens
2 Tbsp. Feta, crumbled
1/2 Medium Cucumber, halved & sliced
1/2 avocado, cubed
Favorite dressing - Recommend Annie's Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette 


Chicken - coat chicken thighs with BBQ sauce and grill on BBQ until cooked on both sides, flipping frequently (about 20min.)

Zucchini Spaghetti - heat olive oil in pan on medium heat, add garlic and cook for 2min until slightly brown, add zucchini and saute for 3 min, stir frequently. Add olives, salt & pepper and cook for 1 more minute. For Avo Pesto - combine all ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth, add salt to taste. Top zucchini with pesto.

Mixed Greens Salad - add greens to large salad bowl, mix in feta, add cucumber, avocado and toss with dressing. Voila!


Monday, May 27, 2013

Natural Decadence Gluten-free Graham Crackers ~ Support a great bakery on the rise!

Some friends of mine, Rosa Dixon and Milia Lando, started a gluten free bakery called Natural Decadence 1 year ago in Northern California. Rosa, a baker at heart, was quickly learning about gluten free cooking after her young daughter was diagnosed with Celiacs disease and multiple food allergies/sensitivities. Co-owner Milia also found herself with a number of food sensitivities that she was struggling to figure out and transform her diet around....as a result Natural Decadence was born. The response to their products has been astounding in such a short amount of time. They started with a small bakery and now their products can be found in numerous Whole Foods stores nationwide! Due to their dramatic growth they are currently in need of a new sheeter for their graham crackers - a top selling product. Please follow the link below and donate to their kickstarter campaign if you support gluten free foods or visit their website to order goodies, http://naturaldecadence.com. Donations of $25 or more receive a reward of their delicious baked goods!

Natural Decadence Gluten Free Bakery

Rosa Dixon and Milia Lando of Natural Decadence

Donate: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/naturaldecadence/natural-decadence-gluten-free-grahams

photos courtesy of NaturalDecadence.com

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Grilled Halibut Tacos with Mango Pineappple Salsa & Guacamole

Fish tacos are one of my favorite dishes! This salsa makes them even better :) Halibut gives great flavor. Makes 8-10 tacos.


1 pkg Super size Corn Tortillas (10ct)

1.5 lbs Halibut
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Olive Oil

Mango-Pineapple Salsa:
2 medium Mangoes, chopped to bite size pieces
1/4 Pineapple (chopped) or 1 8oz can Pineapple, chunks chopped to bite size pieces
1/4 c. Cilantro, chopped
1/4 medium Red onion, finely chopped
1/2 -1 Lime, using juice to your taste preference
Sea Salt
Black Pepper

2 ripe Avocados
1/2 tsp ground Cumin
1 Lemon, juice fresh squeezed to taste
 Sea Salt to taste
2-3 dashes of Tapatio Hot Sauce (optional)

1/4 Red Cabbage, thinly sliced
1 8 oz can Black Olives, sliced (optional)

*Roasted Red Pepper Aoili excellent addition - we did not use this time


Fish - In glass pan drizzle olive oil to lightly coat bottom, sprinkle salt and pepper on oil. Lay fish in pan and lightly drizzle with oil, salt and pepper on top. Use brush to smooth seasoning if you like. Place on grill at med/high, cooking approximately 7 min on each side (14 min total).
Salsa- place ingredients in bowl, squeeze juice of lime in, and stir together adding salt and pepper to your taste preference.

Guacamole - place peeled avocados in medium bowl and smash with fork until smooth consistency, add lemon juice, cumin and salt, hot sauce optional. Stir well.

Heat tortillas in pan over med/high until warm and slightly crisped.

To prepare- place fish on heated tortilla, top with guacamole, cabbage, olives, and mango-pineapple salsa. Enjoy!

Grilled Halibut Tacos with Mango-Pineapple Salsa and Guacamole

Monday, May 20, 2013

Yoga - benefits of Dolphin Pose

Often when doing yoga I'm curious of the health benefits of particular poses. As an alternative or modified pose to "Downward Facing Dog" there is "Dolphin Pose" where instead of positioning palms on the ground you are resting your elbows, forearms extended forward on the mat. 

 I looked up some yoga resources online to find out what Dolphin Pose is good for and here is what I found, posted by CNY Healing Arts Wellness Center & Spa:

Benefits of Dolphin Pose:
  • · Stretches your hamstrings, calves, and arches
  • · Opens your shoulders, chest, and inner armpits
  • · Strengthens your arms and legs
  • · Helps regulate digestion
  • · Tones your core muscles
  • · Therapeutic for menopause, asthma, high blood pressure, flat feet, and sciatica
  • · Relieves back ache, fatigue, stress, and mild depression
  • · Helps prevent osteoporosis
photo from yoga journal online

Friday, May 17, 2013

Baked Polenta & Yam with Zucchini Pasta, Pesto and Shrimp Recipe

This is a quick and easy dinner we've been making for years. Put some ingredients in the oven and cook a couple things stove top for a few minutes and voila! Gluten-free, dairy-free. Makes 2 - 3 servings.


1 pkg Polenta (tube), sliced
2 med Yams, washed and sliced
2 med Zucchini, julienne sliced into spaghetti shape
24 raw, thawed shrimp (remove tails, shell, de-vein)
4-6 Tbsp Pesto (Basil, Olive Oil, Pine Nuts, Sea Salt, Lemon)
8-10 Kalamata Olives, halved
1 clove garlic, minced
Several Tbsp. Olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Lightly coat glass baking dish with olive oil, lay polenta in dish and put on preheated top oven rack, cook for 30min - turn over about 15min in.

Drizzle baking sheet with olive oil and place yam slices on it, season with salt and pepper, place on bottom oven rack and bake for 25min, turn over about 15min in.

As polenta and yam are close to being finished:

Place 1 tsp oil in pan on medium heat with shrimp, season with salt and pepper (opt), cook until pink on both sides - only a few minutes on each side (do not overcook).

In 2nd pan place 1 tsp olive oil and garlic over medium heat, let cook for 1-2min., then put in julienne sliced zucchini. Stir gently for 3min then add in 2 Tbsp. pesto, stir for 1 more min then remove from heat.

Dish polenta onto plate, place small dollup of pesto on each slice, add yam, dish up zucchini spaghetti and top with Kalamata olives (and more pesto if you like), serve shrimp on plate. Enjoy!

Baked Polenta & Yam with Zucchini Pasta, Pesto and Shrimp

By Vibrant Wellness

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fresh Green Salad with Arugula, Avocado & Strawberries and Broccoli Potato Lentil Curry Stew

I love salads! Here is a salad we made for a dinner guest and had enough for leftovers again tonight - yumm! (This was inspired by ingredients we had on hand.)

Fresh Green Salad with Arugula, Avocado, and Strawberries

Red Leaf Lettuce - 1/2 head, washed and chopped
2 cups Baby Arugula
1 Avocado - diced for garnish
1 cup Strawberries - fresh, diced
2 Carrots - grated
2 Radishes - grated
1/2 Cucumber - sliced, halved
2 Tbsp. Pumpkin Seeds
Feta Cheese (optional)
Your favorite dressing (I used a Tofu Tahini one, others used - Raspberry Vinaigrette & Kalamata Olive Vinaigrette)

Place ingredients in large bowl and toss with your choice of dressing (amount to your liking - less will allow you to enjoy the flavors of the other ingredients). Add avocado to top as garnish. Serve & enjoy!


This next recipe I found while searching on Pinterest for ways to use Broccoli and Green lentils we had. The original recipe was posted by energiseforlife . com. I modified it by adding Tempeh and using more Broccoli and green instead of red Lentils - I also added some extra green Curry (ran out of red). Here is the recipe I made:

Broccoli, Potato, Lentil Curry Stew with Tempeh

4 cups Broccoli - washed & cut to bite size pieces
3 1/2 cups Red Potatoes - peeled & cubed
1 large Yellow Onion - finely chopped
1 can Coconut Milk
2 cups Vegetable Broth
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
3/4 cup Green Lentils
1 Tbsp. Red Curry paste
1 Tbsp. Green Curry Paste
1 Tbsp. Wheat-free Tamari
Sea Salt - to taste (I like Redmond's Real Salt)
Fresh Ground Pepper - to taste
1 pkg Tempeh - cut into strips & halved
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Wheat-free Tamari

Fill medium pot with 6 cups water and bring to boil. Pour lentils into boiling water and reduce heat to a simmer. Cook for 30min and remove from heat.

While lentils start to cook prep broccoli, potatoes, and onion.

In large pan heat oil and place tempeh in, cooking on medium. When 1st side crisped slightly turn pieces over to cook other side and dabble each piece with tamari. When 2nd side is crisped turn off heat. (Approx. 20min)

In 2nd large pan heat oil and cook onion and potatoes for several minutes. Add in coconut milk, vegetable broth, tamari and curry paste(s). Cover with a lid and cook for 10min)

Add in partially cooked lentils and broccoli, cook for additional 10min.

Last 5 min add in tempeh and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy! :)

Fresh Green Salad with Arugula, Avocado & Strawberries / Broccoli, Potato, Lentil Curry Stew

Monday, May 13, 2013

Hungry For Change - highly recommend this DVD

This video is brought to you by the same people that brought you Food Matters. They are bringing together stories from leading nutritional experts and folks that have made significant changes to their health, eating habits, and lifestyles. Transformation baby!

When I watched it many of the faces were familiar to me...Kris Carr, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Joe Cross, Dr. Mercola, David Wolfe. Even for me who a lot of the messages they were sharing I had heard before, it was a welcomed reminder and even better to have them all in one place! It's my new "go to" when I need to get back on track or motivation to stay on track. We all need some assistance from time to time!

If you need a boost to change your unhealthy habits - especially in the food department CHECK THIS OUT! James & Laurentine (film producers/directors) did an excellent job putting this together!
Hungry For Change DVD 
They are offering a free viewing of the first 20min of the movie on their website, CLICK HERE to view it! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Love this:

Recommended Kitchen Helpers

Champion Juicer - this masticating juicer will get the job done and keep your enzymes fresh for up to 24 hrs in the refrigerator (in a filled, sealed jar)


Champion Commercial Juicer G5-PG-710

Amazon.com has it listed retail for $299.97. I got mine through ebay for $215.00 and free shipping almost 4 years ago. Today I saw it at the local health food store for $259.99. Be sure to check on-line for the best deal!

For a less expensive option you can purchase a centrifugal juicer such as a Breville $159.99 or Jack LaLane $99.99. The primary difference (in my opinion) between the masticating and the centrifugal juicer is the centrifugal ones chew up the fruits and veggies in such a way that the enzymes don't last as long so you'll need to drink your juice as soon as you make it. I have a masticating juicer (that can also make nut butters- bonus) and my boyfriend has a centrifugal one and I think mine is easier to clean.


Vitamix - I forget which blog I saw the comment - "this is a blender on steroids" - it pretty much sums it up. I got this as a birthday gift this year from my family. I had been pining after one of these for the past couple of years. My family grabbed it while Costco was carrying a model for at least $100 below regular retail price. I'm a lucky girl! I used to read with curiosity these blogs with recipes calling for the Vitamix. I get it now! Smoothies are truly blended - seeds and all, fibers in veggies like kale - completely pureed. It was out of my price range so I am sooo grateful to have one gifted to me. My boyfriend & I make smoothies 5 days a week now and its given me even more inspiration to try new healthy recipes. Made a delicious asparagus soup in it too. Definitely worth every penny in the health arena!
Amazon has it listed for: $484.99 - Check Costco and on-line. Easy to clean, comes with a recipe book & a 7 year warranty!

Vitamix 5200


Cuisinart Food Processor  - this is great for sauces and dips, chopping onions, carrots, etc. Its quick to set up, easy to clean. I have a basic one, on the small side - just big enough! These days it runs about $100 for the 7-cup. I've had mine for 8+ years. Still going strong!

Cuisinart DLC-10S Pro Classic 7-Cup Food Processor

Mmm - A Warm Spring Salad

This one is my version of: Warm Spring Salad by Angela Liddon. It is a simple and delicious treat!

  • 1 cup uncooked quinoa (or try speltberries)
  • *1.5 cups veggie broth
  • 1/2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 leek, sliced into rounds or half moons
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 bunch asparagus, ends broken off and chopped into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 cup diced strawberries (optional) *I highly recommend
  • 3/4 cup fresh or frozen peas
  • 1 cup fresh parsley, roughly chopped *or cilantro!
  • *4-6 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, to taste
  • 6 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 Tbsp pure *honey (or other sweetener)
  • 1/4 tsp fine grain sea salt & pepper, to taste
  • lemon zest, for garnish (optional)
  • *1/2 avocado, cubed 
  • *Handful of pumpkin seeds
  • 1. Rinse quinoa in a fine mesh strainer and place into a medium pot. Add 1.5 cups vegetable broth (or water) and bring to a low boil. Reduce heat to low-medium, cover with tight-fitting lid, and cook for 15-17 minutes, or until fluffy and all the water is absorbed. Fluff with fork, remove from heat, and let sit covered for 5 minutes.
  • 2. Meanwhile, grab a very large skillet or wok. Sauté the leek and garlic in the oil for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Season generously with salt and pepper. Add in the asparagus and sauté for another 5-10 minutes or until the asparagus is just tender, but still a bit crisp. Stir in the strawberries (optional), peas, and parsley (or cilantro!). Heat for a few minutes and then remove from heat.
  • 3. Whisk together the dressing ingredients (olive oil, lemon juice, honey, and 1/4 tsp fine grain sea salt) to taste. Pour dressing onto skillet mixture and stir in the cooked quinoa. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Top with avocado and pumpkin seeds. Enjoy!
Be sure to check out the original recipe on "Oh She Glows".
Kudos to Angela!

*My own additions: I used veggie broth (she suggested this in the directions but didn't list it in the ingredients - glad I had some!) I doubled most of the dressing ingredients (except I used 1/2 Tbsp. honey total instead of maple syrup). I also added cubed avocado as a nice garnish (healthy and tasty fat!)- I also think cilantro would be excellent in lieu of parsley. Top with pumpkin seeds! Mmmm.

My cell phone camera is acting up so here is the blurred version :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Miso Porridge

Well I chose the heartier of the 2 recipes and adapted my own version from a recipe called Super Miso Soup on recipes . sparkpeople . com

Miso Porridge (is what I call it!) ~

Ingredients to use:
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 block FIRM tofu
few dashes of black pepper
1 large onion, chopped
4 carrots, chopped
4 large garlic cloves, minced
1 Tbsp yellow curry (madras)* - or tumeric
1/2 c shiitake mushrooms*, sliced
1/2 c dry quinoa
3 c veggie broth (without tomatoes)*
2 1/2 c water
1 bunch kale, cut from stem & chopped or 1 c pre-wilted/steamed & chopped
1/4 c miso (I used yellow - I dissolved in 1/4 c warm water*)
3 scallions, chopped whites & greens

How to make it:

Place a thin coating of olive oil on a baking sheet and place the tofu on it with a few dashes of black pepper. Bake tofu @ 450 degrees (or broil) for 15min. Check halfway through to see if tofu needs to be turned over to crisp other side.

In a large Dutch oven or heavy bottomed soup pot pour in the olive oil and heat over medium heat. Once oil is hot add in the onions and carrots. Cook for 5min or so until they are tender - stir frequently.

Stir in the garlic, curry and mushrooms.

Add the quinoa, veggie broth and water. Turn the heat to med-high, cover and let simmer for 15min.

Remove tofu from oven when done, it should be ready just a few minutes before the quinoa.

Add in the kale and tofu to the porridge mixture, reduce the heat to medium and cover.

Once the kale is tender, whisk in the dissolved miso. Turn off the heat and add in the scallions. Serve!

Miso Porridge

*my alterations to recipe

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm back! Miso on the menu.

Oh how I have missed posting and exploring new recipes! Life has continued to be on fast forward since the holidays and I am now making a conscious effort to reincorporate those things I love into my schedule.

I just returned from my great Uncle's 100th birthday celebration. It was a wonderful time of seeing family and getting to hear stories from his life. He is still sharp! An added bonus to the trip was realizing I had jumped up a couple of pant sizes while trying on clothes - oops!

My intention is to post a new recipe I've tried at least 1x/week. I get so inspired by all the blogs out there these days bursting with healthy, yummy recipes and this blog has helped me to keep my explorative juices flowing. I can see a direct result of not blogging and watching what I eat by the pounds I've put on. Now that it is Spring its time to change that!

Last night I saw some photos a friend posted from her recent trip to Japan. So many pictures of food. All with a large spread of small dishes of salads and toppings, lots of fish. I'm a big Sushi fan, love seaweed salad, teriyaki noodles, etc. After viewing the photos I wondered to myself which nation is rated the healthiest so I did a Google search and sure enough - Japan was listed as #1. So building from that inspiration....on the Menu tonight is Miso soup.

I have 2 recipes I'm looking at, one very basic and the other deemed "Superfood". #2 seems a bit heartier and could serve as the main course.

The ingredients called for are...

Recipe 1:

Shiitake Mushrooms
Miso Paste

Recipe 2:

Bell Pepper
Veggie Broth
Black Pepper
Olive Oil

I will report back on the recipe I chose!

Miso fixins!