Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Madras Sambar with Broccoli and Kale served with Savory Coconut Rice

Recipe Serves: 2-3


Madras Lentils:
1 can Madras Sambar - Toor Dal with Vegetables - by Jyoti Natural Foods
1 cup Broccoli, chopped
5 big leaves fresh Kale, chopped
1 Tbsp Olive oil

Coconut Rice:
1 cup White Short Basmati Rice
1 cup Coconut Cream (not coconut milk)
1 cup Vegetable Broth
1/2 bunch of Cilantro, chopped
1/3 c Almonds, roasted & chopped
1/4 Lime, zest
Salt to taste


Madras Lentils - heat olive oil on medium, add broccoli and kale, saute until broccoli softens 10+min, stir occasionally, just before broccoli is done add in Madras Sambar, stir until heated approx 3min.

Coconut Rice - place coconut cream, vegetable broth, and lime zest in pan on high, briefly bring to boil, add rice and reduce heat to low. Simmer until rice cooked, approx 20min., stirring frequently, then cover 1/2 way through. When rice is done remove from heat and stir in cilantro and almonds. Add salt to taste. Serve with lentils and veggies - enjoy!

Savory Coconut Rice and Madras Sambar with Broccoli & Kale

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