Friday, August 31, 2012

8/31/12 Daily Food Journal - Gallstone/Healthy Gallbladder Foods

Tough time getting to sleep last night. Once I did the dreams were vivid and strange. I actually slept in MUCH later than I thought.... So that is what a 1/4 tsp of magnesium feels like at bedtime! It did really help the gallbladder/liver discomfort subside.

Just before bed I read posts from both sides of those who had gotten their gallbladder removed and those who chose diet and lifestyle change while keeping their gallbladder. I saw that many folks had complaints that doctors don't prepare them for the potential side effects after surgery, nor what foods they should eat. No, it doesn't sound like everyone can go back to eating greasy and unhealthy foods as they did before removal. After all, you're removing an organ that stores bile and specifically helps to digest fats, without it bile drips directly into the intestines and on numerous sites I've read this may actually increase the risk of chronic diarrhea or more serious diseases like colon cancer. So as popular as the surgery has become (remember when removing tonsils was popular?) I still feel it needs to be absolutely necessary! The bonus I saw with many folks overall is that they were forced - by their body screaming at them - to eat a healthier diet. Not such a bad mechanism if it actually requires you to live healthier! Who knows, it may prevent some from developing more serious diseases in the future.

I can't help but wonder how the removal of this organ can be seen as the solution. The stones formed in the first place and wouldn't they continue to form if the diet was still the same? People can still get stones in the liver...

Another interesting correlation I've read about is food allergies/sensitivities, low stomach acid, magnesium deficiency and their role in gallbladder health.  

Just briefly I will list some of the common do's and dont's with foods I've come across for those having gallbladder/stone issues. These are merely suggestions I've gathered. You are the best at discerning the needs of your body, but these were some things I commonly found- a very alkaline diet (minus meats and grains):

DO Eat:
Sweet Potato
Green Beans
Fish (salmon, freshwater white fish)
Baby Greens
Apples (green)
Flax Oil/seed
Coconut Oils
Olive Oil
Rice, Millet, Quinoa (my additions)

DON'T Eat:
Heavy fats/deep fried foods
Dairy (Milk, cheese, ice cream, sour cream)
Gluten (Wheat, Barley, Rye, etc)
Red Meat
Coffee/Black Tea
Carbonated beverages
Refined/processed sugar
Cabbage family

My biggest challenges from this list are: no chicken, corn, or dairy. I've found my body is more sensitive at times than others too. Sometimes I can do dairy and be fine, maybe my gallbladder enjoys processing the fat that day :) Same goes for chicken and corn. There is a balance to be had with fat intake. If I go "no fat" I'm doing myself a diservice. I need to eat some in the form of oil or avocado, at least, otherwise there is discomfort. Personally I've found my gallbladder speaks most when I: a) need to eat, b) have eaten too much at one time, or c) I am under too much stress. My body is the teacher and I try to be a good student (most of the time). We've become so accustomed to convenience and those foods aren't usually the most optimal choices for our bodies. Time to listen and re-learn how to keep the body healthy!

This morning I diverted from my "routine" and went out to breakfast. Seemed like a morning to give my gallbladder some work...?

Milk Thistle (2 caps)
1/8 tsp Mag

Breakfast: Taco Salad- Baby greens, spinach, green onion, refried pinto beans, chicken, corn tortilla chips, guacamole, salsa, small amount of grated cheese
Glass of Apple Juice
Digest Basic Digestive Enzyme

Cup of Rooibos Chai

Lunch: Leftover Taco Salad
Digest Basic Digestive Enzyme

Afternoon :  12oz. Green Juice- Chard, Dandelion, Cucumber, Celery, Carrot (not green...), Green Apple, Pear, Ginger, Lemon, 1/4 tsp flax meal

Dinner : Leftover Salmon Salad (1/4-1/3c) with cultured veggies and tiny drizzle of Tofu Tahini dressing

Snack : Organic Raw Revolution Bar- cashews, dates, sunflower seed kernels, agave nectar, almonds, sprouted flax seed (GB wasn't a big fan of this tonight...then I looked at Total Fat: 14g/2g Sat ~ Yowza!)

12oz Green Juice

Journaling this is turning out to be really helpful for me to see what I am ingesting, my reactions and the habits I have. Thanks to my friend Diane in NC that suggested I do this!

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