Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daily Food Journal 8/29/12 and why I am doing this

I'm on a path to Living Wholeness. Not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I'd describe myself as someone who tends to view the big picture of life from a spiritual perspective, though I get my reassurance from tangible results. I have faith but I like real life examples, keeps the inspiration flowing. That's the part of me drawn to blogging my experience.

So I've had a number of health concerns that I have been working to resolve for some time. Some physical... digestive, loose stools, burning sensations, probable gallstones, food sensitivities, mild dry/red rash on face (lower cheeks), PMS, cramps, breast inflammation/soreness, lethargy; some mental/emotional... anxiety, PTSD, forgetfulness, scatteredness, brain fog, interrupted sleep, sometimes depression. Stress has been a big part of all this.

I've tried so many therapies, diets, ideas over the past 8 years. Now I am taking what I have gathered, "digesting" it and coming up with my own truth out of it all! I am grateful for all of the assistance I have had up to this point and for all there is yet to come. My intention for posting this publicly is that it be available for others looking for some ideas to their health concerns on their own path to Living Wholeness. This is not meant to prescribe anything to you but a place to share information. What might be good for me and my body may differ from you. I'll let you be in charge of your own wholeness.

Being that I have tried so many things, I will only briefly list them here and if anyone would like to discuss them in more detail I would be happy to if you comment this blog.

Here goes: Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Sound Healing, Herbal Medicine, Rife, Juicing, Allopathic Prescriptions, Network Chiropractic, Massage, Cranial Sacral, Reiki, Shamanic Healing, Flower Essences, Vitamin Supplementation, Positive Affirmations, Guided Visualization, EFT, BodyTalk, Somatic Experiencing Workshop, Soul Memory Work, Toltec Breathing Exercises, Maori Massage, Intuitive Arts Training, Astrology. There may be some I have forgotten.

You might be curious what has worked the best - ? For me, the most effective modalities for stress reduction have been: Sound Healing, Massage, Reiki, EFT, and Shamanic Healing. Oh! And a nice cup of lavendar and lemon balm tea, a hot bath with epsom salts and a nice foot massage with lavender and almond oils. One of the hats I wear is a that of a Reiki practitioner (Master Level), fusing different shamanic breathwork and healing techniques in the work I do. In 2011 I began providing Reiki treatments at a Community Clinic and trading treatments with friends. It's worked too! I think this really helped me take my own healing to the next level. Part of putting the power back into my own hands and feeling great helping others!

I'd love to hear success stories from folks on their journey to Living Wholeness...let's network our inspiration and support here!


What I think I will do with the format here is list the supplements I am taking at the beginning and then list the food, along with any reactions I may have. (A little background...I tend to be very sensitive to supplements so that is always FUN, yet I still keep on trying 'em!) If I am really on top of things for the day I will post the time. If you have any questions or wonder why I'm trying this or not doing that, feel free to write me. I'm jumping in at 'present day' with this and like I said, I've tried many things already....

(Disclaimer: I am not perfect and may eat some things that don't seem so "strict" to the more disciplined folks. What I am is HUMAN, giving myself permission not to be perfect all the time and to instead LOVE & ACCEPT myself while reaching Living Wholeness... because loving yourself, forgiving yourself and accepting the authentic being that is YOU is spectacularly important to vibrant health!)


Flower Essence Blend: Rosemary, Agrimony, Impatiens, Chestnut Bud, Red Chestnut, Cherry Plum
Milk Thistle (1 cap)

Upon waking: Feeling/thinking Gratitude & 1/2 glass water

12oz juice: Celery, Cucumber, Dandelion, Romaine (from garden!), Radish, Green Apple, Pear, Ginger, Lime (I've been drinking green juice on a daily basis for 3 months now)

Gluten Free English Muffin (Brown Rice) w/Vegan Pesto, Cucumber Slices, and Redmon's Real Salt

Zucchini "Spaghetti" (from garden!) with Garlic, Curry, Turmeric and Redmon's Real Salt

Slight headache today, very tired afternoon

Mid Afternoon: (I splurged, feeling low blood sugar and our local co-op has sushi chef making fresh all day)
Sushi - brown rice, nori, crab, tuna, avocado, roe, mayo, and sriracha sauce
Digest Basic Digestive Enzyme

Tea (1 cup)- Pau D'Arco, Roasted Dandelion Root, Licorice Root
Tea (1 cup)- Red Rooibos Chai

Early Evening:
12oz juice - same as AM

Evening Snack:
Raw Revolution Organic Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Bar (YUM!) Contains (all OG): cashews, sunflower seed kernals, agave nectar, dates, cocoa, almonds, raspberry powder, sprouted flax seed

12oz. water

Organic Salad: Greens (from garden!), shredded carrot, shredded beet, artichoke, broccoli, cucumber, basil, fermented veggies (cabbage, carrot, beet, parsley, garlic, sea salt) with Tofu Tahini salad dressing

1/4 tsp sodium bicarbonate (aluminim free) in 1/2 glass water before bed

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