Thursday, August 30, 2012

8/30/12 Daily Food Journal

Boy, I felt sluggish getting out of bed this morning. My nose & throat felt congested too. Detox?
I really have to watch how many liquids I take in closer to bedtime. I'm finding that even if I stop drinking them 3 hours before bed I am up 1-2x in the middle of the night using the bathroom. For those who are interested I seem to wake up just past 3AM. In Chinese Medicine this may be related to Liver/Lungs. Ohhh, that fog that blankets the skies is here today....


Flower Essence blend: same as yesterday
Milk Thistle (2 caps)

Water upon waking

Kitchari: Mung bean and brown rice (soaked overnight) with Kombu, seasoned with brown mustard seed, cumin seed, ginger, bay leaf, turmeric, dulse, cardomom pods, Redmon's Real Salt, coconut oil;
added fermented veggies

Tea: Pau D'Arco, roasted Dandelion root, Licorice root

Slight headache, sluggish

EFT: "Tapping Into Vibrant Health" & "Loss and Grief"

oh funky feeling day

1:20pm : 12 oz. Green Juice - cucumber, celery, dandelion, chard, kale, pear, green apple, ginger, lemon

Here comes the sun...finally!

2:10pm : Salmon Salad Wrap- canned salmon, vegan mayo, celery, romaine lettuce, fermented veggies, wrapped in brown rice tortilla
Digest Basic Digestive Enzyme

3:00pm : Glass of water

Late afternoon Liver/back discomfort (some stress at orientation meeting)

5:00pm : 12 oz. Green Juice

Time for the heating pad...

6:00pm : small bowl of Kitchari w/ cultured veggies and tofu tahini dressing

8:00pm : 1/8 tsp magnesium in 1/2 glass water

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